

Why you shouldn’t store eggs in the fridge door

Written by Nathan Jolly on 9th May, 2018
Why you shouldn’t store eggs in the fridge door

Sure, the budget was announced, and ten million of us will be getting tax cuts, but the real news today is that the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has announced by eating 12 eggs a week is quite good for you, with no adverse effects to weight loss or cholesterol issues. This is also true for those with type-2 diabetes.

While this is great for quiche aficionados, it recalls a debate as to where to store eggs once you’ve bought them. Many say the cupboard — after all they aren’t refrigerated in the store — while other see having warm chicken periods in their house as one step too gross.

Basically it comes down to how the eggs are treated before sale in each farming region; in Australia, eggs are washed, which removes the protective layer which would allow them to be stored at room temperature – so pop them in fridge.

The Sun did however raise a great point late last year, quoting Vlatka Lake from Space Station, experts in storage. God knows why she was asked, but her musings makes scientific sense to us, so we are going to run with it. She warns against storing them in the fridge door, due to the wild variants in temperature.

“The general consensus is to store eggs in the fridge, but not in the egg racks commonly found on the fridge door”, she said.

“Egg racks are susceptible to changes in temperature due to the fridge door opening and closing and can cause your eggs to go rotten more quickly.”

So there you go. Eggcellent advice (sorry).

The article was originally published on Brag Magazine