UPDATE: New Twenty One Pilots hints point towards music tomorrow

Earlier this week, we came the closest we’ve been in a year to the potential end of twenty one pilots‘ hiatus. The ever-so mysterious duo leaked a barely audible 8-second clip that was listed as “_ _ n_ot_myo_nly_fri_en d” which fans noted, featured 7 dashes. The seven dashes signified 7 days from the release of the clip, pointing towards July 6th – a possible date for the release of new music.
Back in May, a highly complicated fan theory also uncovered that fans could expect new music to come on either July 6th or 7th – a year on from the commencement of the hiatus.
Now, it seems as though all conspiracy and speculation has pulled off in what seems to be way more than just a coincidence. Recently, the band’s website dmaorg.info, posted two new updates which have since been removed, with the whole website shutting down entirely in just a few short hours.
A letter from the enigmatic character “Clancy” was posted, cryptically reading, “They’re asleep. The night took forever to arrive, and now we’re almost ready. We’ve studied the watchers, and know that there’s no chance that we can step through unnoticed.”
“It’s been one year since the last convocation, and tomorrow’s Annual Assemblage of Glorified will be the biggest spectacle this concrete coffin of a city has seen all year.”
Look, we’re not entirely sure what the “Annual Assemblage of Glorified” means, but it’s happening tomorrow – July 7th (or 6th if you’re outside Australia’s timezone, but you know what we mean).
Read the entire post below:

Another post included a blurred black and white image that fans have compared to looking like a mountain or hill that you can look at here. Fans, as per usual have begun to prophesize what the letter and image could possibly mean, taking to Reddit to decode.
One fan has said picked up on the presence of the dots in the bottom left-hand corner add up to twelve, meaning a new track could potentially drop at midnight, or a potential twelve tracks entirely (we LOVE for a surprise album to drop, but we’ll take a track for now.)
Another has noted that what the letter describes may not be easy to come by when released, suggesting new music will be released through a leak.
Phew, we’re out of breath and brain power. So now, we sit in silence, patiently, again.
Watch: twenty one pilots’ ‘Stressed Out’:
The article was originally published on Don't Bore Us