

The Big Pineapple Music Festival Playing Times Have Landed!

Written by Nikki Sternagel on 4th May, 2016
The Big Pineapple Music Festival Playing Times Have Landed!

It's time to get cracking on your itinerary - the playing times for the Big Pineapple Music Festival have JUST been released. Saturday May 28th is when it all goes down and you HAVE to make sure you squeeze out every single drop of juice this Big Pineapple has to offer.

With the two main stages side by side (Wild Child and Sea Shepherd) you'll be able to see all the big faves in one place - as one stage finishes, the next will kick in 5 minutes later. Hopefully any clashes are kept to a minimum so that you can soak in every minute of it!

Without further ado, the moment you've been waiting for...

Big Pinapple Playing Times

(click to enlarge!)

If you haven't already snagged your golden tickets, now's your chance! With only 4th release tickets remaining it's now or never - so what are you waiting for? #TreatYoSelf

Tickets Here