

Splendourites Who Missed Out On Fat White Family - They're Coming To OAF!

Written by Alex Batorowicz on 5th May, 2016
Splendourites Who Missed Out On Fat White Family - They're Coming To OAF!

To all those Splendourites who missed out on the golden ticket - don't fret; the time has come to wear your gumboots... in Sydney? Oxford Art Factory have you covered with the release of SITG sideshows... ermagawd. One of which is one of the coolest/strangest new bands to hit the festival scene on July 23 - Fat White Family.

Who are Fat White Family you ask? A bunch of Londoner's who wear cheese hats, get naked on stage (sometimes find the need to rub butter all over themselves because YOLO) and who have previously used the most common mode of transport to enter a pub - a donkey (pfft, obviously). Now that's one Saturday night you wanna schlepp yourself and a bunch of mates along to.

While their onstage performance will for sure be one to reminisce to the grandkids, their music has definitely gained a reputation with their new album Songs For Our Mothers and previous album Champagne Holocaust. Even my mum would move her hips to these tunes.

For all of you who can't watch these legends rub butter on their torsos on July 23 - there are some other SITG sideshow musical masterminds to see at OAF: 

Spring King & Beach Slang | July 20 | Buy Tickets

Nothing But Thieves | July 21 | Buy Tickets

Låpsley | July 27 | Buy Tickets

As Robin Williams in 'Good Morning Vietnam' would say: "Let's boogaloo till we puke"

Tickets Here