

QLD’s Nightlife Under Attack With Newly Proposed Liquor Laws

Written by Nikki Sternagel on 14th July, 2015
QLD’s Nightlife Under Attack With Newly Proposed Liquor Laws

In case you haven't heard, the Queensland government wants to change liquor licensing laws. Proposed to tackle anti-social behaviour in nightspots, these changes include;

- a new 1 AM lockout law

- 3 AM cessation of drinks

- cessation of sales on high alcohol content drinks such as shots, cocktails and neat drinks

These changes will have crippling effects on the State's half a billion dollar entertainment industry - also impacting over 6000 jobs around the state. Secretary of 'Our Nightlife Queensland' Nicholas Braban stated in a recent release: "We want to work together on this important issue, safety is our number one priority too. But shutting down the industry, at the cost of thousands of jobs, is not the answer."

'Our Nightlife Queensland' is a group that has formed to fight these proposed laws and help keep the Queensland nightlife alive. They work purposefully with state government and council to build a vibrant nightlife, providing thousands of jobs and a strong tourism economy. Representing people from across the state who rely on licensed venues and associated industries for their livelihood - They are caterers, bar staff, cleaners, waiters, musicians, and small business owners.

Show your support for 'Our Nightlife Queensland' and keep in the loop by joining their Facebook Page: visit www.facebook.com/nightlifeqld