Parkway Drive just hit up triple j Unearthed to review a bunch of tunes

Parkway Drive are undoubtedly one of the biggest and heaviest names to come out of Australia in a long time, but 15 years ago, when they were first starting out, they were just a bunch young musicians playing music as a hobby. Now, the group have hit up triple j Unearthed to review a bunch the tunes from an array of upcoming musicians, helping to foster and encourage Australia’s future big names.
Taking over the Unearthed Radio airwaves earlier today, Parkway Drive frontman Winston McCall handpicked a small selection of his favourite tunes that have been uploaded onto triple j recently.
From picking acts such as Download Festival openers Cast Down, to the indie rock of PLTS, McCall shone the spotlight onto some of Australia’s best unsigned talent.
However, not content with just giving these acts a bit of airtime, he also took the time to write some reviews for the artists’ Unearthed profiles, writing words of encouragement that will certainly look good on the ol’ resumé.
“I love what they’re doing with heavy music,” wrote McCall on Cast Down’s ‘Leatherman’. “Its abrasive, its passionate and its adrenalin fuelled. The mix of the grittier edge and the industrial touch they bring is really, really good.”
Likewise, BATTS’ ‘For Now’ got some similar praise, with Winston writing, “Her voice is amazing. Absolutely amazing… it’s such soft music and then occasionally there are these really spacey breaks… to the point where there are descriptions within the album tracks that tell you about space based entities.”
“It stuck out for me, there’s something really unique here.”
However, it seems like this came as a bit of a surprise for BATTS, who took to Twitter to express her shock. “Umm… Is this real? Parkway Drive have said the nicest things on triple j Unearthed about ‘For Now’ and I’m in a bit of shock,” she wrote. “Absolute legends. Thank you.”
While we can’t say who else is se to share their opinions on local Aussie talent in the future, we’re pretty certain these Aussie acts are absolutely stoked to get the seal of approval from the frontman of one of Aussie metalcore’s biggest names.
Check out Parkway Drive’s triple j Unearthed picks:
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triple j Unearthed Embedded Player
triple j Unearthed Embedded Player
triple j Unearthed Embedded Player
triple j Unearthed Embedded Player
The article was originally published on Tone Deaf