Comeback Kid just dropped a hardcore cover of a Midnight Oil classic

Canadian hardcore legends Comeback Kid are about to make their return to Aussie shores very soon, but the group have taken the upcoming tour as an opportunity to share their new cover of a Midnight Oil classic.
While we’ve seen plenty of classic covers of Aussie songs in the past, including fellow Canadian hardcore band Alexisonfire recording a cover of the Oils’ ‘The Dead Heart’, Comeback Kid recently decided to record the cover of the local classic after happening upon the song by accident.
“We recorded the ‘Beds Are Burning’ cover on a whim, while recording our last record,” explained vocalist Andrew Neufeld, referencing their 2017 album Outsider.
“I saw the video at a bar and it got me inspired to text and try to convince the band into it. It went over well so here we are with a new cover and another new song called ‘Little Soldier’ which I thought might have more legs if we released it as a single as opposed to a track 9 on a full length.”
“It’s a bit of a different vibe for Comeback Kid and a song that I had a lot of fun writing,” he continued. Our labels are putting it out digitally and we pressed the 7 inches so for the first time CBK pressing our own music.”
Whether or not these 7? inch records will be accompanying the band to Australia for the upcoming Aussie tour remains to be seen, but it would certainly make for a nice little treat for all their Aussie fans.
Comeback Kid are set to touch down in Australia in a few days to support Silverstein on their tour of the country. Kicking off at Perth’s Amplifier Bar next Monday, the bands are set to hit up Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, and Newcastle, before wrapping it all up in Brisbane under a week later.
Check out Comeback Kid’s cover of Midnight Oils’ ‘Beds Are Burning’:
Silverstein Australian tour 2018
With special guests Comeback Kid and Belle Haven
Monday, May 14th
Amplifier Bar, Perth, WA (18+)
Tuesday, May 15th
Fowlers Live, Adelaide, SA (Lic/AA)
Wednesday, May 16th
170 Russell, Melbourne, VIC (18+)
Friday, May 18th
Manning Bar, Sydney, NSW (18+)
Saturday, May 19th
The Cambridge Hotel, Newcastle, NSW (18+)
Sunday, May 20th
The Triffid, Brisbane, QLD (Lic/AA)
Tickets on sale now through Destroy All Lines
The article was originally published on Tone Deaf