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Sunshine Coast Million Moves

Sunshine Coast Million Moves

9:00am, Sat 4 May, 2024
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Are you interested in a FREE workout to help you get moving? AND! We're upping the ante and going 80's FANCY DRESS alongside our Neverending 80's Party on the same night!

Emma from Motivate Mums is excited to announce she partnered with us at @thestationsc to a run a FREE Workout for people in the Sunshine Coast Community in line with the Million Moves campaign with AUSactive.

🌟When: 4th May🌟Time: 9am - 9:45am🌟Location: The Station - 8 The Avenue, Birtinya QLD 4575🌟 80’s Fancy Dress – Wear you best lyre outfit and bright coloured🌟 Coffee available after the workout

Register for your FREE Event - Children and Adults welcome, everyone must be registered.

Let's get out and get active!

🌟Join us in the Million Moves initiative! πŸŒŸ

Get ready for a fun-filled family community workout experience like no other! We're thrilled to introduce 'Million Moves,' launching this May on the Sunshine Coast! β˜€οΈ

Our mission?
To ignite a passion for physical activity across Australia, starting right here on the Sunshine Coast.

Over 21 days in May, we're bringing together four Members of Federal Parliament, local businesses, community groups, fitness pros, and YOU to embark on an incredible journey.

Together, we'll tackle 75 moves a day, adding up to over a million moves by the end of the program! πŸ’ͺ

Why 75 moves? Because it represents a crucial statistic: 75% of adults aged 18–65 fall short of the physical activity guidelines set by the World Health Organisation. It's time to change that narrative and empower our community to embrace an active lifestyle.

Stay tuned for more details on how YOU can be a part of this amazing, inspiring initiative.

Let's make every move count and pave the way for a healthier, happier future together! πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™‚️