Aunty Donna - The Album Tour - 2nd Show
1) We can't freakin' wait to go on our first ever f'in music tour lol. With a f'in live band and Michelle Brasier on f'in backing vocals haha. We've f'in never done a f'in tour like this before lol. Limited f'in tickets lol haha.
Have you bought our f'in album yet? f'in buy it now with your tickets for $10!
2) We can't f**king wait to go on our first ever f**king music tour lol. With a f**king live band and Michelle Brasier on f**king backing vocals haha. We've f**king never done a f**king tour like this before lol. Limited f**king tickets lol haha.
Have you bought our f**king album yet? F**king buy it now with your tickets for $10!
If purchasing the Ticket + Digital Album Bundle;
The link will be sent via email within 14 days of purchase.
Please ensure you check your email address is correct when purchasing.
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